Search for Fallen Firefighters on the Memorial Wall

Bryan K. Zollner

Department: CDF

Deceased: April 12, 2007

Bryan K. Zollner Like so many of his brothers and sisters, Bryan Zollner came from a firefighting family. His grandfather was a Detroit firefighter, while his father served as chief of the Oroville Fire Department. Bryan carried the tradition forward nobly, serving a variety of functions within what was then the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. In 1998, Bryan's devotion to duty was recognized with a Medal of Valor when he broke through the back window of a home and, without breathing apparatus, rescued a small child from a burning home. Bryan Zollner's service was cut tragically short by an on-duty vehicle accident.

On the Memorial

Located in Sacramento, the California Firefighters Memorial immortalizes the names of those lost in the line of duty. Learn more »

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